Want to design an irresistible online offer that turns your expertise into dollars?

Get my proven formula for nailing your offer FAST.

Give me my FREE

Ultimate Offer Creation Guide NOW

You've got experience and knowledge and you know you can help people. Now it's time to create a digital offer that you can use to grow a business you love with all the freedom, flexibility and financial rewards you've been dreaming abut.




Is it even possible to confidently put all the pieces together -- the messaging, the format, the pricing -- without wondering who is going to want to buy this? Is anyone going to want to pay me money to do this? How much should I charge?


Now the good news: It's absolutely possible!


Grab the Guide

Imagine this...

You download the guide, fill out the workbook sections, and...

  • You've picked your offer format (online course, VIP Day, group coaching, membership, etc.)
  • You've landed on your big promise/transformation
  • You're ready to write your sales page/landing page because you're crystal clear on what you sell, who it's for and how much you charge

Ready to stop overthinking your offer so you can focus on helping your audience instead?


The Ultimate Offer Creation Guide

  • The exact decision-by-decision process I use with my private clients
  • Questions and assessments so you can fine tune each step for your individual offer
  • My exclusive framework for deciding how to deliver your offer:  online course vs. group coaching vs. VIP days vs. memberships etc.
  • 7 templates for creating your transformation statement
  • Back-of-the-envelope pricing guide

Works for Any Niche

  • Personal development
  • Business help
  • Relationships
  • Fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Mental health
  • Professional organization
  • Creative services
  • Skills development
  • Hobbies
  • Habits
  • More

Works for Any Offer

  • Online course
  • Workshop
  • Membership
  • Retreats
  • 1:1 Coaching
  • Group coaching
  • Masterminds
  • Live
  • Virtual
  • Low ticket
  • High ticket
  • VIP Days

"Laura sets the tone with her "keep it simple and no one is stupid" approach.

"My business picked up (and so did I) when I updated my offer. It made telling people what I do so much easier. Thanks Laura!

"This makes SUPER sense

You say it in such plain English! I get it. It seems so simple and it is, really - if I just do the work. Thank you for your support, your brain and your direction! Thank you, thank you Laura.

Hey, I'm Laura

Serial business builder, former professor of entrepreneurship and mentor for solopreneurs. I help business owners like you create offers people want to buy and build businesses that thrive.

Over the last 20 years (yeah, I've been at this for awhile) I've seen way too many founders get burned out on marketing and almost  give up when they're actually just one great offer away from success.

With this guide and a little effort you could have THAT offer up and running FAST. But to get there, you've got to take action and download the guide.

Let's Do This!

The Secret to Success in Business is Taking Action

The biggest difference between my clients who grow successful businesses and those who set their dreams aside is the willingness to take action. To put something out there and see what happens. You can't build a business in secret. At some point you are going to have to put something out there that people can buy from you. This is your plan for getting that something out there.

Want to design an irresistible online offer that turns your expertise into dollars?

Get my proven formula for nailing your offer FAST.

Give me my FREE

Ultimate Offer Creation Guide NOW

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